Wednesday, October 22, 2008


When the alarm went off this morning, I looked at the computer screen on my laptop and just rolled over and went back to sleep. If gold can't even rally overnight in countries where they KNOW what gold's value is, then we are all totally fucked! Right now gold continues dropping lower and lower like someone just simply pulled the plug out of the bathtub. Never in my wildest imaginings could I have ever thought that this scenario would take place. But with the world's peoples so dumbed down by TV, Big Macs, and gladiator sports events, it appears Rome 2 has been recreated, only to be torn down. I am equally appalled at Jim Sinclair's recent posts in which he berates some in his audience for being angry at him. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT JIM? You gave them your goddam phone number! You attempted to be their psychiatrist (when you had some time to fritter away in a useless task like that!) Then when they start losing their meager assets because in all your experience and wisdom this market starts tanking, they GET ANGRY at you? Apparently Jim doesn't know people at all. If he thought people wouldn't misplace their anger on a specific target who posed as their all knowing saviour, instead of some amorphous concept like THE GUV'MINT that our civics books all persuaded us to believe would never betray us. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well, Sinclair is exactly right in his long term prediction of where gold is going... Just as correct as I am in saying that I'm not going to live forever. It's just in the shorter term that he and his very able buddy Kenny Adams could/should have been giving us more detailed info on the day to day happenings in these PM markets. There are no GURUs folks... YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN! Learn what you can from the mistakes of others, and pray that the gods will give you a break when you make exchanges with other humans for the things you need to survive in some degree of comfort and human dignity...but don't BET heavily on it.

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