Monday, October 27, 2008


October 11th at 2:00PM From the Writers of The Daily Show: The Stupid Vote POSTED BY: TheInDecider Overheard in the writers room: With John McCain's recent string of seemingly poor campaign decisions, spectators can only conclude that he's targeting "the stupid vote," a demographic which includes subgroups such as: * Toaster-fork-stickers * The real housewives of any city * People who put butter on their cereal * Anyone with a personalized license plate * A majority of Baldwin brothers * People who Tivo "Deal or No Deal" * Former Hawaiian Tropic models * Current Hawaiian Tropic models * Aspiring Hawaiian Tropic models * Harold and/or Kumar * Gay Republicans * People who look both ways before crossing their "T"s * People who honestly don't know if they're a redneck, and rely on Jeff Foxworthy to tell them

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