Saturday, December 13, 2008

"CONSPIRACY NUTS"...Not so "nuts" after all.

This is a MUST READ, article. It is a bit long and can seem to be a bit difficult to read due to the author's writing style. Just keep reading and IT WILL ALL BECOME CLEARER TO YOU! THE TRUTH OF OUR SITUATION CANNOT BE EXPLAINED IN A FEW WORDS. See 'DEFINITIONS' below: I have chosen a few vital words and phrases from the article that you might ordinarily skip over, rather than GOOGLE, to clearly understand them. DON'T EVER DO THIS AGAIN! How else are you ever going to improve your vocabulary and understanding of the World if you keep skipping over words and things you don't REALLY know the meaning of? When I first discovered this website, I thought the Website (WORLDREPORTS.ORG) might be run by a bunch of LOONIES! due to its style. But it appears that all those people who have been criticized for being "CONSPIRACY NUTS" about the 911 event, and this Financial Event of Destruction are gradually being JUSTIFIED for their skepticism about what the MASS MEDIA and Guv'mint itself tells us is "THE TRUTH" about what is, and has been, going on. You have to understand the Illuminati, Freemasons, and Mystery Babylon to understand the enormous Power Play that has been ongoing for many, many decades (or centuries) and perpetrated by the true "Elite" power crazed criminals that have ruled humanity during its evolution since man became "civilized". You will have to start studying those on your own...Just use GOOGLE and get ready to be amazed and challenged at the work you will have to do to understand what these evil people have done, and are now doing, to achieve their ONE WORLD ORDER and complete control of all World Assets and turn the world's populations into SERFS to be eliminated when they are of no further use as free labor. Here is the link to the article: BE SURE TO READ IT ALL! on HOME (at the top) and see the most current articles. *********************** DEFINITIONS: Misprision of Felony Statute (Wikipedia) "Misprision of felony" is still an offense under United States federal law after being codified in 1909 under 18 U.S.C. § 4: Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. This offense, however, requires active concealment of a known felony rather than merely failing to report it.[6] Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau: GOOGLE the term or go to: Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) is an idiom that doesn't translate well. German Defense Agency is the literal translation, but those within the European Intel community know it as the Black Nazi Intel Continuum. Nazi Abwehr: Abwehr From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Abwehr was a German intelligence organization from 1921 to 1944. The term Abwehr (German for defence) was used as a concession to Allied demands that Germany's post-World War I intelligence activities be for "defensive" purposes only. After 4 February 1938, its name in title was Foreign Affairs/Defence Office of the Armed Forces High Command (Amt Ausland/Abwehr im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht). Despite its name implying counterespionage, the Abwehr was an intelligence-gathering agency and dealt exclusively with human intelligence, especially raw intelligence reports from field agents and other sources. The Chief of the Abwehr reported directly to the High Command of the Armed Forces (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, or OKW). Intelligence summaries and intelligence dissemination were the prerogative of the Operations Branch, (as distinct from the Intelligence Branch), of the OKW, and through it to the intelligence-evaluation sections of the Army (Heer), the Navy (Kriegsmarine), and the Air Force (Luftwaffe).[1] The headquarters (HQ) of the Abwehr were located at 76/78 Tirpitzufer, Berlin, adjacent to the offices of the OKW.[2] Queen Melusina: (The author uses this term to describe Hillary Clinton) Melusina is a mythological female character that is half woman and half snake. For further study of the European myth...see:

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