Since this picture was taken, Black Cat had his left eye removed due to a tumor. He also had just received his shots the week before he disappeared.
On Wednesday January 14, 2009 my cat named 'black cat' didn't show up for breakfast.
It's been 17 days since his disappearance.
I assumed coyotes got him, or some cruel human killed him. (that's not uncommon, as I had that happen to a previous cat in Helena, Montana while I was passing through on a long vacation in my truck and trailer back in 2003.)
Black Cat adopted me while I was visiting a friend's 30 acre raisin vineyard 20 miles west of Fresno, Ca in 2003.
I had my trailer parked on a dirt service road that came into the vineyard from the
main highway. A dirt drive way went perpendicular to that service road into the center of the vineyard where my friend's house was along with a large industrial shed.
Black Cat showed up one day meowing and looking pretty skinny. I fed him some of the leftover cat food that my other cats had not finished. He gobbled it up and jumped in the trailer and stayed for a month.
I took him to the local SPCA for shots and had his ears cleaned of ear mites for $80.
A few days before I was to return to Idaho, Black Cat disappeared.
I searched the local area (mostly acreage with a house here and there) which was large sections of land with streets maybe every mile or so.
Found one place where he might have originated, but had probably been abandoned. Either that, or he got sick of the place and how he was treated.
The night before I was to leave, I pulled my trailer in next to the house to fill up my water tanks. I slept there about 100 yards from where the trailer had been sitting for many days out on the main service road.
Around midnight, Black Cat entered the trailer through the cat door and jumped up on the bed and said " MEOW!". I believe that meant, "okay, dude...I'm all yours!"
We've been together ever since and he is the most affectionate cat I've had so far.
We communicate so well, he almost speaks English. He is truly an amazing cat.
Well, after disappearing for just over 2 weeks now, I had resigned myself that he was dead.
At 3am this morning, he came in meowing to let everyone know he was back.
I could not believe my eyes!
He is pretty skinny, but he ate well and doesn't appear to be damaged, although he has a faint medical smell about him.
He slept the whole night next to me and nuzzled me like someone who has just been released from a prison.
I have to assume that he got locked up somewhere by accident. But how does an animal survive for two weeks without food, and especially, water. And it has been below freezing most of the time since he disappeared with one brief day or two where it went down to zero.
Simply amazing! And I will never know what happened to him.
He gets a trip to the vet Monday to be checked out.
Nice to have my furry child home again.
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