Saturday, March 28, 2009


CREDIT TO GEIST FOR THE LINK: Don't just watch the video, read what's underneath it. If you are a young person and don't have much to lose, GET OUT IN THE STREETS AND PROTEST. For older persons who don't have the physical ability to go out and protest, the internet is your tool. So USE IT and send emails to your 'supposed' representatives in CONGRESS, and to newspapers and network and cable companies protesting their NON COVERAGE of what's REALLY HAPPENING. The TRUTH IS... us older folks are going to die soon, so it really doesn't matter if we die sooner in the pursuit of a noble goal... That of DESTROYING this despicable bunch of criminals and hoodlums who are rapidly constructing a MASSIVE DEATH SENTENCE through starvation to the peoples of THE ENTIRE WORLD through economic collapse which WILL NOT BE FIXED IN OUR REMAINING LIFETIME. THE TRUTH IS WHAT IS..... A lie is what ISN'T.

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