Thursday, April 2, 2009


Monsanto controls the seeds you grow if they are NOT HERITAGE SEEDS (seeds grown from seeds NOT controlled by Monsanto) Monsanto and the guv'mint want to be able to prevent you from growing your own food without them getting a piece of the action. All the seeds you buy in stores or on the internet are NOT HERITAGE SEEDS. There are a few websites that do sell them...Just GOOGLE...HERITAGE SEEDS. Here is a short video (bad sound) and other videos you can click on for more info on this subject. HERE IS A LINK FROM SORCHA FAAL'S website to obtain HERITAGE SEEDS. HERITAGE SEEDS ARE NOT CHEAP, BUT YOU CAN GROW SUCCESSIVE CROPS FROM THEM IF YOU SAVE THE PREVIOUS CROP'S SEEDS... AND.... THEY ARE NOT CONTROLLED BY MONSANTO OR ANYONE ELSE.


wernerul said...

I buy my seeds here:
They send them to Spain without problems. All my friends have them.
Fantastic tomatoes. best regards.

GT said...


Thanks for the link.

Please remind me again, which country you live in.

I remember you are on an island near Spain?

wernerul said...

I live in an island which name is Tenerife. a small island near africa( marrocc and Mauritania). It belongs to Spain. The Canary Islands are 7 small islands. We live here from Turism( About 12 millions each year. the last year 10) Most of them from europe. We have a nice temperature in winter. This is the main reason they come and visit us.
best regards. w

GT said...



I know of Tenerife.

I'll give it a good look over on GOOGLE SATELLITE MAPS.
I have to assume that beautiful beach photo you sent us is on Tenerife.

Stay well, and hope the tourists keep coming.