Saturday, October 3, 2009

Obama In Secret Russia Visit Warns Putin, “I May Not Make It”

Obama In Secret Russia Visit Warns Putin, “I May Not Make It” By: Sorcha Faal There is plenty of info to digest in the links within this article to get your attention. I suggest you probe into them to see what is happening in the country that is NOT making the TV news. Especially the AMERICAN POLICE FORCE that is in Hardin, Montana and the Miltiary 'practice' operation OPERATION DIOMEDIES WHO REALLY KNOWS WHAT IS TRUE OR FALSE ANYMORE? The BEST you can do is to stay aware of what's happening around you as it appears the public is being GROOMED for a major happening as we approach 2012, as the date on which the END is prophesied to occur in Ancient Cultures (Mayan Longterm Calendar, Nostradamus, etc). The History Channel is loaded with programs on the subject and there are TV programs and movies coming out that are molding the public mindset to be receptive to such an occurance as 'inevitable'. If the END is coming no matter what, what do you think most people's behavior will become?

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