Wednesday, September 3, 2008


5:00AM PDST TODAY'S REPORTS: Retail chain index Factory orders This is getting to be like "Groundhog Day" the movie. Wake up, gold rallies overnight, sells off before the NY Pit Session Opens. Reports come out, gold convulses, one way or the other, either sells off in a panic mode, or rallies insanely, only to then take it all back from profit selling... So far, those people running this World have done a magnificent job of manipulating it into a state of "pre-total economic collapse" without actually triggering the collapse...which is IMPLICIT in the state of things. It will only take that one event that finally makes everyone run from the dollar and all paper money and run to the ONLY REAL MONEY EVER...GOLD/SILVER! How many days have we had like today where you just can't believe they could jack the dollar up so high, oil so low, Bonds up (lowering interest rates) and maybe rally the stock market.... only to have it all fall apart 24 hours later. KEEP YOUR PERSPECTIVE on the situation... A day does NOT a revolution make. This revolution will occur BECAUSE IT HAS TO! A state of imbalance in any system cannot sustain itself indefinitely. Just look at your personal balance sheet. Getting worse every day...right? Others don't even have balance sheets...they're just broke and existing on fumes right now... The system is broken and only THE NATURAL BALANCE can fix it!