Friday, January 23, 2009


Please tell me what part(s) of the three blogs I have that you use regularly, or even occasionally. If occasionally, how often Do you only scan the charts on Goldtrader's Group? Do you read Goldtrader Comments? Do you visit the blogs but do not want to comment on anything? Or do you comment and want others to comment more? Any more ideas? I have had to reduce many of my usual posts due to lack of time. I have had little time to do much more than trade, sleep and fix things that have broken this winter. If I can get my life in order when winter lets up, my posts should increase. Right now I limit my most important posts to the charts and comments on Goldtrader's Group and any very important articles for Goldtrader Comments. Of course, I read all your posts on TalkbacktoGoldtrader and respond when appropriate or necessary. PLEASE POST YOUR COMMENTS ON THIS POST BY CLICKING ON 'comments' DO NOT POST YOUR COMMENTS ON TALKBACKTOGOLDTRADER. This will help me keep them grouped here and allow you all to see what others have to say. GT


Anonymous said...

Hey GT - I scan the blog on a daily basis. I would guess that Geist, Flarph, GoldMelter, notindenile, etc. probably do the same thing. I don't do any day trading with PM"s so the charts are not much use to me, but the technical analysis is interesting. Other web sites I frequent:
Marketwatch (for the posts)

If anyone has any other places to go on the web for real information, much appreciated. The google sites that in the past were good for getting good info (i.e. youtube, google video) are being throttled down and in many cases deleted all together.. I suspect that Yahoo might see a migration back to their search engine if they choose to remain neutral and allow freedom of expression, as Google is rapidly managing the content they allow out.

Don't expect any change from Obama (Bush squared). As Ron Paul said, Freedom is likely to go into deep hibernation.



I will try to compose a list of all the sites that I have found useful over the years.
I simply don't have time to check them all out anymore each day (after a while, you know what is going on).

One of the best for a list of all the current articles each day is INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE.INFO by Tom Feely.
This is the link:

I get a daily FREE email with a list of more than I can every read, and I SAVE THEM ALL IN A FOLDER so I can have them to share with others.
Lots of info there on the Iraq war which is not shown on the news.

Anonymous said...

Greetings GT -
Along the same lines as Clymer, I also read your blog on daily basis just to see if you've posted anything new. Not a Trader as yourself, but I'm a buyer and longterm holder. Any given day, I'll check your site, the market watch, jsmineset, daily reckoning, drudge report and monex site for news and info.
I know you have to prioritize your time, but it would be a loss if this site no longer here.
Take care, stay warm and happy trading. Golden days are ahead!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi GT, I'm not a trader so I don't use your Goldtraders Blog. I look at this blog to see if any good articles are posted, then check the Talk Back to read comments & talk to friends. Keeping in touch with like-minded people is sort of like a life-line in these troubled times.

Good luck with all of your repairs.


Anonymous said...

WELL I spend more time fixing this
computer then using it,

but i try to get to your site a couple times a day-

Anonymous said...

WELL I spend more time fixing this
computer then using it,

but i try to get to your site a couple times a day-

Anonymous said...


As you know I trade Gold and Dow mostly.I watch your Goldtraders Group blog daily. I find it great to have another trader to compare my charting with and to see your comments as to where gold could be headed. I also scan Goldraders comments blog. I enjoy the TalkBackToGoldtrader blog and post relevant articles as I come across them. Thank you for taking the time to keep these blogs up and running they are a wealth of information for us all.

Anonymous said...


sorry for my computer errors...
what i meant to say is your blog
is valuable, and that the charts
i try to learn from, but the
talkback to gt , is what i read the most, along with your comments,
and i agree with notindenile,

that is - people like us with insight and knowledge need to stay together and share ideas.. we will never agree 100%, but that is a good thing.. so GT - sick around,
we need the experance and wisdom..

thanks sincerly dave....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the feedback