Sunday, August 3, 2008


You folks are getting your messages spread out all over the place... You're posting on Goldtrader's Group, Cspan's Internet Follies, and on various old threads on Goldtrader's Group... JUST LET IT DIE! Then we can see what happens there from now on. Maybe MWAdmin will delete it... So, COPY AND PASTE from there what you think is important to you... I copy and paste all kinds of things and then save them in DRAFT emails in my INTERNET EXPLORER. (As long as you don't have a "send to" address on them, they can't go anywhere!) You can also save a lot in a document in MS Works or any wordprocessing program. You all can divide up the project and each of you save one or two threads (you have to open each thread and then copy and paste the whole thread...because LINKS WILL NOT BE ACTIVE if they are not opened for the copy procedure after the thread has been deleted!) Then you can all share, or re-post the threads on Cspan's Internet Follies (although that will drive MWAdmin up the wall, and they will probably delete everything!) But if you all think what we have discussed for the last FOUR MONTHS is valuable for history and for the public to have access to, as they become more aware of our economic situtation and begin looking for information, then you probably should copy the Group Post's for posterity.... ONCE IT'S GONE....IT'S GONE! I don't have the time to do it, with all that I'm doing right now. Plus, I already have what I need to save. Think about it... BUT, PLEASE STOP POSTING AT GOLDTRADER'S GROUP. It is my baby, and I say let her go without suffering!


goldmelter said...

gt i made a new topic at gt site and put site closed , and made a topic at cspans for moving articles over.. hope it is ok // what i did.. let me know.



You did, and are doing,
just fine!

Do whatever you folks want to do
and I will comment from here
when I see the need to give some direction to the ongoing dialogue.