Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Watching CNBC right now. They have Nouriel Roubini sitting there with a group of complete jack off gas bags who are blabbing incessantly about bullshit.
The most brilliant economist is at hand and they don't let him say a word, or talk over him the minute he utters a grunt...probably because he has a pretty good accent.
So, Nouriel is just asking the occasional simple question to these idiots and they immediately dismiss it.
This is the state of financial high school.
Gold is being manipulated massively, Lehman is the second (for 4th after Fan/Fred?)domino to fall as all the big trees in the forest start falling against their neighbors until the whole forest is going to look like the aftermath of the forest that surrounded Mount St. Helen's...FLAT!
Look for gold to start building a bottom here, or at the lowest in the 720s if the World panics and sells off the only viable investment to pay for their equity margin calls (selling good to save bad!)
As Dan Norcini said the other almost doesn't pay to describe this insanity anymore!