Friday, February 20, 2009

GT sez:

Well, it's been a very exciting day in gold and I see that the gold threads on MarketBotch have over 1100 comments. So many lonely people who have nothing better to do than spend their lives posting non-sense and arguing with other people who either know NOTHING, or know just enough to be dangerous to themselves and others who depend on them to do the correct things necessary for survival. I'm so glad I am not any longer associated with anything MarketBotch. I'd rather have a few of you loyal followers than a million of the assholes that infected our group site. The end days are rapidly approaching and Mother Nature and The Laws Of Economics (the REAL Laws) SHALL PREVAIL. It will be interesting to watch all the idiots who don't understand the purpose of GOLD suddenly become ABUNDANTLY AWARE of its properties and VALUE when their paper assets become fire starter or toilet paper as their final and only use.

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