Friday, September 19, 2008


Posted On: Friday, September 19, 2008, 9:49:00 AM EST Potential Infinite Bailouts To Explode Money Supply Author: Jim Sinclair Dear Friends, Today's reported potential infinite bailout of all and any portends, if adopted, is the largest increase in dollars outstanding since the Jurassic Age. It closely models actions undertaken regarding the production of currency liquidity seen in the "Weimar Republic." It is reported now that more than 1000 hedge funds are on the rocks. This has the potential for a significant financial impact. The only way to hide the numbers from the statistics produced by the suspected actions of the Fed is to value the indebtedness purchased at 100%, claiming a wash transaction. The only conclusion is that when the smoke clears and the advertised actions have been adopted, nothing more dollar negative than this has ever occurred due to the potential expansion of T bills and therefore dollar supply explosion. Gold is the only currency with no liability attached to it which, as you have seen recently, will be selected as the currency of the people. Respectfully yours, Jim